Photographic style transfer

Image style transfer has attracted much attention in recent years. However, results produced by existing works still have lots of distortions. This paper investigates the CNN-based artistic style transfer work specifically and finds out the key reasons for distortion coming from twofold: the loss of spatial structures of content image during content-preserving process and unexpected […]

Energy-based dissolution simulation using SPH sampling

A novel unified particle-based method is proposed for real-time dissolution simulation that is fast, predictable, independent of sampling resolution, and visually plausible. The dissolution model is derived from collision theory and integrated into a smoothed particle hydrodynamics fluid solver. Dissolution occurs when a solute is submerged in solvent. Physical laws govern the local excitation of […]

Semantic Modeling of Indoor Scenes with Support Inference from a Single Photograph

We present an automatic approach for semantic modeling of indoor scenes based on a single photograph, instead of relying on RGB-D cam- eras. Without using hand-crafted features, we guide indoor scene modeling with feature maps extracted by Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs). Three parallel FCNs are adopted to generate object instance masks, a depth map and […]

Efficient and realistic character animation through analytical physics-based skin deformation

Physics-based skin deformation methods can greatly improve the realism of character animation, but require non- trivial training, intensive manual intervention, and heavy numerical calculations. Due to these limitations, it is generally time-consuming to implement them, and difficult to achieve a high runtime efficiency. In order to tackle the above limitations caused by numerical calculations of […]