Research Projects

As Principle Investigator, Prof Zhang has brought in 10 million pounds (GBP) of research grants to the NCCA from the EPSRC, AHRC, EU FP7 and EU H2020 as well as other funding organisations. His research focuses on a number of topics relating to 3D computer animation, virtual human modelling and simulation, and physics-based animation. He is also interested in virtual reality, digital twins, medical visualisation and simulation, and conversational AI.

Leveraging LLM Capabilities for iVC in Game Planning

NeRF and Model Based Face Analysis in the Wild

Deep Learning Based Facial Modeling and Animation

Deep Unscaling for Real-Time Rendering

The impact of decision points on affective responses of experienced game players in Baldur’s Gate 3

Building Safe spaces: UAV-based Inspections of leaves on the Rail lines using Artificial Intelligence

NLP-MMI: Marking Medical Image Report Automatically with Natural Language Processing

DTNT: Integrating Natural Interaction and Digital Twins into XR Clinic Environment to Enhance Nurse Training

Visitor Experience Innovation through Systematic Text Analytics and Augmented Reality

Neuravatar: Using Augmented Reality in Medical Education

Geometric Modelling, Image Processing and Shape Reconstruction (PDE-GIR)

Shared Post-Human Imagination: Human-AI Collaboration in Media Creation

Laparoscopic Virtual Surgery Training System

High Dimensional Heterogeneous Data based Animation Techniques for Southeast Asian Intangible Cultural Heritage Digital Content

Dr Inventor, A Personal Research Computer Assistant for Scientific Creativity