Nonlinear Spring-Mass-Damper Modeling and Parameter Estimation of Train Frontal Crash Using CLGAN Model

Due to the complexity of a train crash, it is a challenging process to describe and estimate mathematically. Although different mathematical models have been developed, it is still difficult to balance the complexity of models and the accuracy of estimation ,is paper proposes a nonlinear spring-mass-damper model of train frontal crash, which achieves high accuracy […]

Shallow2Deep: Indoor scene modeling by single image understanding

Dense indoor scene modeling from 2D images has been bottlenecked due to the absence of depth information and cluttered occlusions. We present an automatic indoor scene modeling approach using deep features from neural networks. Given a single RGB image, our method simultaneously recovers semantic contents, 3D geometry and object relationship by reasoning indoor environment context. […]

Photographic style transfer

Image style transfer has attracted much attention in recent years. However, results produced by existing works still have lots of distortions. This paper investigates the CNN-based artistic style transfer work specifically and finds out the key reasons for distortion coming from twofold: the loss of spatial structures of content image during content-preserving process and unexpected […]

Semantic Modeling of Indoor Scenes with Support Inference from a Single Photograph

We present an automatic approach for semantic modeling of indoor scenes based on a single photograph, instead of relying on RGB-D cam- eras. Without using hand-crafted features, we guide indoor scene modeling with feature maps extracted by Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs). Three parallel FCNs are adopted to generate object instance masks, a depth map and […]

Huber-L1-based non-isometric surface registration

Non-isometric surface registration is an important task in computer graphics and computer vision. It, however, remains challenging to deal with noise from scanned data and distortion from transformation. In this paper, we propose a Huber- L1-based non-isometric surface registration and solve it by the alternating direction method of multipliers. With a Huber- L1-regularized model constrained […]

High Relief from Brush Painting

Relief is an art form part way between 3D sculpture and 2D painting. We present a novel approach for generating a texture-mapped high-relief model from a single brush painting. Our aim is to extract the brushstrokes from a painting and generate the individual corresponding relief proxies rather than recovering the exact depth map from the […]

Advanced ordinary differential equation based head modelling for Chinese marionette art preservation

Puppetry has been a popular art form for many centuries in different cultures, which becomes a valuable and fascinating heritage assert. Traditional Chinese marionette art with over 2000 years history is one of the most representative forms offering a mixture of stage performance of singing, dancing, music, poetry, opera, story narrative and action. Apart from a […]

Fast surface modelling using a 6th Order PDE

In this paper, we present a new method to improve the efficiency of physics-based surface modeling which creates and manipulates surfaces through physics-based curve deformations. The proposed physics-based mathematical model of curve deformations consists of a vector-valued fourth order ordinary differential equation and boundary constraints. An efficient finite difference solution for curve modeling (FDSCM) is […]

A framework for digital sunken relief generation based on 3D geometric models

Sunken relief is a special art form of sculpture whereby the depicted shapes are sunk into a given surface. This is traditionally created by laboriously carving materials such as stone. Sunken reliefs often utilize the engraved lines or strokes to strengthen the impressions of a 3D presence and to highlight the features which otherwise are […]

Relief stylization from 3D models using featured lines

Digital reliefs mimic the style of their real life counterparts, and hence offer an elegant depiction of a 3D shape. Despite an increasing amount of research on digital relief generation in computer graphics, little has been reported on the generation of abstract sculpture forms using pure engraved lines. In this paper, we present a method […]